St. Petersburg Florida
Steam Rolling Printmaking Event
Ten artists' creations are to be printed for a big outdoor printmaking event pulling 4-foot prints out from under a 5-ton construction machine. A relief image is created by cutting from MFD materials (medium-density fiberboard to remove a layer of wood that will not hold ink. A roller applies one color of ink to the raised areas. The image will be one color and remain white or the color of the paper.

Steamroller relief printing is beautiful and ARTASTIC fun. Relief printing is beautiful and goes back hundreds of years, as a process where a protruding surface is inked and brought into contact with paper. Around the world, steamrollers are used to print large-scale relief blocks. Ten artists' creations are to be printed for a big outdoor printmaking event pulling 4-foot prints out from under a 5-ton construction machine. A relief image is created by cutting from MFD materials (medium-density fiberboard to remove a layer of wood that will not hold ink. A roller applies one color of ink to the raised areas. The image will be one color and remain white or the color of the paper.
Artists will register for 4 x 4 feet wide MDF board to be carved relief images at least two weeks before the steam-roller event. All inking of relief plates will be done at the event to print.